Stressed out moms

Moms are doing so much right now. Moms are the maids daily with a house full of people in quarantine. Moms are the chefs for their families all day. Then when they are not busy cleaning or cooking, they have their own jobs with projects and deadlines.
Some moms are homeschooling too. That includes scheduling that rivals the precision of a swiss army watch. If there is a problem with the internet, then rebooting and getting kids back on the zoom with their class can be challenging.
Other family members may have activities such as football or dance, which requires mom to drive them to their activities, make sure their uniforms are clean, and remember each child’s schedule.
Mom is stressed. But there are things moms can do to relieve stress. Moms are meeting for virtual coffees over zoom or at outdoor parks. Moms are taking walks outside when the weather is nice. Moms are realizing good enough parenting is good enough. There is no such thing as a perfect parent, but a present parent is what their kid wants and needs.
Moms are doing an amazing job keeping their universe spinning. Well done!